Maintaining the Documentation Project

The FREME documentation uses the static site generator Jekyll. It contains an interactive API documentation generated with Swagger UI. Furthermore, the documentation is configured for easy deployment via GitHub Pages.

Editing configuration

You can configure parameters in the file _config.yml. The FREME api requests in examples, in the interactive swagger api documentation and the requests which are used to generate dynamic lists of database entities, e.g. of sparql filters, are assembled from the following parameters:

  • apiProtocol: The protocol for the FREME api requests, e.g. http or https
  • apiHost: The FREME api host, e.g. or
  • apiBasePath: The FREME api base path, e.g. /current

They should be used in the documentation by prepending {{ site.apiBasePath | prepend: site.apiHost | prepend: "://" | prepend: site.apiProtocol }} to your requests which will be translated by Jekyll to <apiProtocol>://<apiHost><apiBasePath>.

Furthermore, all internal links should be prepended with {{site.basePath }}, so it is possible to generate links when deployed via GitHub Pages or using Jekyll manually. In the first case, site.github.url will be set by GitHub pages to the correct host (and to localhost, if you built it locally for testing), so basePath should be empty. In the later case, basePath had to be set to the subfolder where your manually deployed docu resides.

  • basePath: The documentation base path. Let it empty (or do not define it), if you want to deploy the site via GitHub pages. Set it to the location of the documentation, when you want to deploy it with Jekyll manually, e.g. /doc.

Editing site content

To edit the content of the pages, just edit the corresponding files. A full guide on how to add Documentation can be found at here. To edit the interactive API Documentation, edit swagger/swagger.yaml.

Building the site

On Api-Dev

Jekyll, github-pages and html-proofer(just needed for Travis integration) are installed on the api-dev server. Every time you push an updated version of this Documentation to the dev branch, Jenkins will build a new version.

On GitHub Pages

When you push to the master branch, GitHub Pages rebuilds the live version. But make sure, that the parameters described above are modified in the correct manner.


Install the necessary prerequisites:

  1. Jekyll: see this for a full guide. Furthermore, this guide describes the installation of Jekyll on windows.
    1. install Jekyll’s prerequisites Ruby(v2 or above) and RubyGems
    2. install Jekyll: gem install jekyll
  2. github-pages: gem "github-pages", see this guide for windows.
  3. html-proofer: gem "html-proofer"

To build the _site folder:

jekyll build

To have the site served correctly (also calls jekyll build, updates itself with every edit in the files), run

jekyll serve

And go to localhost:4000<basePath> where basePath is like described above.

If you edit files in _config.yml then jekyll serve will not update these changes automatically. Close the serve process and restart it to see the changes.

NOTE: There are issues with auto-regeneration on windows. Try jekyll serve --no-watch if you want to disable it.

Travis integration

The FREME documentation is configured to verify the Jekyll build process and do some html checks, e.g. link checking, with html-proofer by using Travis CI. Have a look at the Travis configuration file. It defines the script parameter to execute the following after every git push to any branch:

bundle exec jekyll build && htmlproofer ./_site --url-ignore "/api-doc/full.html#.*/,/api-doc/simple.html#.*/"

After building the site with Jekyll, htmlproofer is executed. Because links to dynamically generated anchors cause problems, the links to special anchors in the interactive api doc have to be excluded.

You can access the build log via the Travis dashboard after granting GitHub access for Travis and adding the documentation repository (perhaps you have to Sync account to see the repository, then it hides behind Organizations/FREME on the left of the repository overview).

Editing Swagger UI

If you want to change anything related to the layout of the interactive api documentation you might want to rebuild the swagger-ui.js. The FREME api documentation is based on this version of the official Swagger UI. If you are interested in the actual changes done for the FREME api documentation, clone the used base version of swagger-ui and diff it with the swagger/_swagger-ui folder of the FREME documentation repository. This folder holds all source code needed to recompile swagger-ui.js.

Building Swagger UI


To rebuild swagger-ui.js follow these steps:

  1. go into the swagger-ui folder: cd swagger/_swagger-ui
  2. load all needed packages: npm install
  3. compile swagger-ui.js: npm run build

After these steps the created swagger/_swagger-ui/dist folder contains swagger-ui.js and swagger-ui.min.js. Replace the ones in the swagger folder with these.

Note: The second step has to be done only once.

To ease developing you can use the script in the root of the documentation project. This script recompiles swagger-ui.js, copies it into the swagger folder and rebuilds the site.