List of all basic services

This page lists all basic services that have been developed during the course of the FREME project.

Proxy filter

The proxy filter receives HTTP requests and proxies these requests to a remote location. It copies the request, including headers, query string parameters and request body. It performs marginal changes in the request, e.g. it exchanges the "HOST" header. It proxies GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and OPTIONS requests. Multiple proxies can be configured using this filter.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.filter.proxy-filter
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/proxy-filter.xml
Source code location proxy-filter source code
Packages that contain this service broker-dev, freme-full

Configuration options

The proxy filter is configured using application properties, e.g. in the configuration file The configuration has this form:

proxy.proxy-id.servlet_url: /e-entity/freme-ner/documents

Each proxy configuration consists of two lines. The first line configures the API endpoint on the proxy server that the server listens on. The second line configures the destination URL to which requests are being proxied. Each configuration option consists of three segments: proxy, proxy-id and servlet_url / target_url. The first segment is always the same for the proxy configurations. The second segment denotes the ID of this proxy. When configuring multiple proxies then different proxies can be distinguished by their ID.

Example configuration

This example configuration configures FREME to proxy all requests to /e-entity/freme-ner/documents to a remote FREME NER location.

proxy.freme-ner-documents.servlet_url: /e-entity/freme-ner/documents

Rate-Limiting Filter

This Filter Limits the number and size of requests an API user can make.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.filter.ratelimiter
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/rate-limiter.xml
Source code location rate-limiter source code
Packages that contain this service broker-dev, freme-full

Configuration options

The Rate Limiting Filter is configured using both and a seperate ratelimiter.yaml file


ratelimiter.enabled decides whether rate-limiting is enabled. ratelimiter.yaml should contain path to the ratelimiter.yaml in YAML Syntax which contains specific rate limits as shown in the example below.

Example configuration


time-frame: 600   # time period in seconds
- 50
- 10000 # anomyous user has 50 requests or 1000 kb in the time period
- 10
- 1000000 # override for anonymous user to allow 50 requests or 1 000 000 characters in the time period
- 100
- 100000 # anomyous user has 50 requests or 1000 kb in the time period
- 50
- 2000000 # override for authenticated users to allow 50 requests or 2 000 000 characters in the time period
- 0
- 0 # admin user has no rate limits configured
- 50
- 100000 # user henry has a special override on tilde

Every request will attempt to match one of these properties in the following order:

  1. ratelimits.<username-or-ip>.<requested-endpoint>
  2. ratelimits.<username-or-ip>.default
  3. ratelimits.<role-of-caller>.<requested-endpoint>
  4. ratelimits.<role-of-caller>.default
  5. Throw internal server error "No identifier found for "+<username-or-ip>+" with role "+ <role-of-caller>+ " for resource " + <requested-endpoint>

To ensure safe behaviour, the usernames ROLE_ANONYMOUS, ROLE_USER, and ROLE_ADMIN are not permitted anymore in the UserController.

This means that the user with the username henry can make 50 requests or requests totalling less than 100 000 characters in 600 seconds to /e-translation/tilde service. Since henry is an authenticated user (and thus has the ROLE_USER), he can also make 50 requests totalling less than 2 000 000 characters to /e-entity/freme-ner/datasets. An anonymous user (who will be mapped to his IP-Address) can only make 10 requests to /e-entity/freme-ner/datasets totalling 1 000 000 characters in 600 seconds because he has the ROLE_ANONYMOUS. An admin user can make unlimited requests to any e-service, which can be seen that his number of requests and also his size are set to 0.


This service allows for chaining multiple endpoints together. In-depth information can be found in our API Documentation and an example tutorial can be found here.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.controllers.pipelines
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/pipelines.xml
Source code location pipelines source code
Packages that contain this service broker-dev, freme-full

Internationalisation filter

This filter extends FREME services with additional data formats. An in-depth article on the conveniences of this service can be found here.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.filter.internationalization-filter
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/internationalization-filter.xml
Source code location internationalisation-filter source code
Packages that contain this service broker-dev, freme-full


This filter is responsible for logging requests and responses internally.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.filter.logging
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/logging.xml
Source code location logging-filter source code
Packages that contain this service broker-dev, freme-full

Configuration options

The logging-filter can be configured using the file.

loggingfilter.maxsize determines the maximum length of requests/responses to be logged. Any requests longer will be truncated.

loggingfilter.whitelist should be an array of content-types/informats that should be logged. They are to be seperated by a comma. If this parameter is not provided it defaults to null, which in turn will get the list of allowed content-types and informats from the internal list of RDF Serialization Formats.

Example configuration

This example configuration truncates all requests and responses longer than 1800 character and logs only requests in the turtle format


Test Helper

The Test Helper basic service assists user in setting up unit tests and integration tests. So it is usually not part of a FREME package but rather a dependency of basic services and e-Services. The articles Creating a basic service and How to write an e-Service provide examples on how to use the test-helper.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.test-helper
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/test-helper.xml
Source code location test-helper source code
Packages that contain this service Test Helper is not part of any package.

Configuration options

The test helper does not use any configuration options.

Package Maker

The package-maker service provide some tools like server start and stop scripts for FREME. It should be part of any FREME package.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.package-maker
Spring configuration file The package-maker basic service does not contain a spring-configuration file.
Source code location package-maker source code
Packages that contain this service broker-dev, freme-full

Configuration options

Package maker does not use any configuration options.

CORS Filter

The CORS filter adds the necessary headers for Cross Origin Resource Sharing to all responses of API requests. In the current implementation it sends these headers:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE
Access-Control-Max-Age: 3600
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: x-requested-with, content-type

In a future version we plan to allow configuration of these values so one can specify a list of hosts for the header Access-Control-Allow-Origin in the FREME configuration file.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.filters.cors-filter
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/cors-filter.xml
Source code location CORS filter source code
Packages that contain this service broker-dev, freme-full

Configuration options

CORS filter does not use any configuration options.

Postprocessing Filter

Linked Data is often considered complicated. Application developers often have no experience with Linked Data formats. Further in some programming languages, e.g. Javascript which is important for websites, do not support Linked Data. For these use cases the postprocessing filters have been developed. This technology converts Linked Open Data to tabular formats like Comma Separated Values. An expert with knowledge about Linked Data technologies can create the filter and the application developer can use it. In this way it is possible to use the Linked Data based workflows of FREME without getting touch with Linked Data. See Simplify output of FREME using SPARQL filters for more information about this feature.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.filters.postprocessing
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/postprocessing.xml
Source code location Postprocessing filter source code
Packages that contain this service broker-dev, freme-full

Configuration options

The Postprocessing Filter does not use any configuration options.

Internationalization Filter

The Internalisation Filter enables processing of different input formats like XML, HTML, XLIFF or ODT for several FREME e-services and roundtripping functionality for XML and HTML. See the e-Internationalisation article for more information about this feature.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.filters.internationalization-filter
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/internalization-filter.xml
Source code location internalization-filter source code
Packages that contain this service broker-dev, freme-full, freme-ner-dev

Configuration options

The Internalisation Filter can be disabled for certain endpoints by adding them to a blacklist.

The parameter accepts a comma separated list of regular expressions which will be matched with the endpoint subpath.

The following configuration disables the filter for all `/e-entity/freme-ner/documents` endpoints:

freme.einternationalization.endpoint-blacklist = /e-entity/freme-ner/documents.*

Logging Filter

The Logging Filter simplifies logging output. It truncates long requests, for instance.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.filters.logging
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/logging.xml
Source code location logging source code
Packages that contain this service broker-dev, freme-full

Configuration options

The Logging Filter does not use any configuration options.


e-Internalisation implements XML, HTML, ODT and XLIFF to NIF conversion. It is used by Internalisation Filter and NIF Converter. See the e-Internationalisation article for further information.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.package-maker
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/internalization.xml
Source code location internalization source code
Packages that contain this service Internalisation is not used directly in a package, but it is included by Internalisation Filter and NIF Converter.

Configuration options

e-Internalisation does not use any configuration options.

NIF Converter

The NIF Converter enables an api endpoint


which let you convert documents in several formats like PLAIN TEXT, XML, HTML, ODT or XLIFF into NIF. It uses e-Internalisation.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.controllers.nif-converter
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/nif-converter.xml
Source code location nif-converter source code
Packages that contain this service broker-dev, freme-full

Configuration options

The NIF Converter does not use any configuration options.

SPARQL Converters

SPARQL Converters enables endpoints to manage postprocessing sparql converter at


and the sparql conversion endpoint


This endpoint is used by the Postprocessing Filter. See the article Simplify FREME output using SPARQL filters for more information about this feature.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.controllers.sparql-converters
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/sparql-converters.xml
Source code location sparql-converters source code
Packages that contain this service broker-dev, freme-full

Configuration options

SPARQL Converters does not use any configuration options.

Users Controller

The Users Controller enables simple user management via the endpoints located at


This is necessary if you use any Restricted Resource in your package. See the Authentication article for further information.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.controllers.users
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/users.xml
Source code location users source code
Packages that contain this service broker-dev, freme-full

Configuration options

The Users Controller does not use any configuration options.

XSLT Converter

The XSLT Converter enables endpoints to manage xslt-converter at


and the XSLT conversion endpoint


See the article XSLT Conversion for more information about this feature.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.controllers.xslt-converter
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/xslt-converter.xml
Source code location xslt-converter source code
Packages that contain this service broker-dev

Configuration options

The XSLT Converter does not use any configuration options.

Tika filter

The Tika Filter makes it possible to upload files of many more formats than those e-internationalization can handle.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme-project.bservices.filters.tika-filter
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/tika-filter.xml
Source code location Tika-filter source code
Packages that contain this service broker-dev, freme-full

Configuration options

When you want to upload a file of any format supported by TIKA, you have to specify the following two additional parameters in your request:

  1. filename=THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_FILE
  2. informat=TIKAFile