Maintain the FREME docker installation
This guide explains how to maintain the FREME docker images. First it explains the naming of the images. Then it explains how to build images for freme-broker, freme-mysql, freme-solr and freme-virtuoso. In the last chapter the guide explains how to push an image to dockerhub.
Naming of the images
The docker images in FREME have the following names
- fremeproject/freme-broker
- fremeproject/freme-solr
- fremeproject/freme-mysql-basic
- fremeproject/freme-mysql-standard
- fremeproject/freme-mysql-full
In docker compose the images have other names:
- freme-broker
- freme-solr
- freme-mysql
- freme-virtuoso
Build the freme-broker image
1. Create the FREME package
git clone
cd freme-packages/freme-docker
mvn package
The package is now located in directory target/freme-package
, later in this document referred to as PATH_TO_PACKAGE
2. Build the docker image
In a new folder execute these commands
# download dockerfile
git clone
cd freme-docker/freme-broker
# download freme-ner models
mkdir freme-ner-models
cd freme-ner-models
cd ..
# copy freme package
# executing the ls command should show this files and folders:
$ ls
Dockerfile freme-ner-models freme-package
# build the image
docker build -t fremeproject/freme-broker .
build freme-solr image
The freme-solr image does not contain any data. The guide Run FREME in a docker container explains how to add data to the Solr server.
git clone
cd freme-docker/freme-solr
docker build -t fremeproject/freme-solr .
freme-solr extends the solr:5 docker image. The link contains more documentation on how to use the image.
build freme-mysql images
FREME has three different images for the MySQL server. They differ in the data that is pre-loaded in the server.
- freme-basic: Contains all XSLT processors, pipelines, SPARQL converters and e-Link templates.
- freme-standard: Contains all data from freme-basic. Further it contains database records for the datasets DBPedia and Europeana for linking in FREME NER. These database records contain only metadata for the datasets, the actual datasets are stored in the Solr and Virtuoso server.
- freme-full: Contains all data from freme-standard but adds datasets for linking in FREME NER. It adds the datasets CORDIS, Geopolitical ontology, Global airports, ONLD, ORCID, VIAF, Grid, GWPP glossary.
To build one of the images (in this case freme-mysql-standard) execute this shell commands:
git clone
cd freme-docker/freme-mysql-standard
docker build -t fremeproject/freme-mysql-standard .
The folder contains one or more .sql files. These .sql files contain MySQL dumps that will be loaded into the MySQL server when you build the image. The .sql files will be executed in alphabetical order. The different MySQL docker images do not extend each other. When you edit the sql file to be loaded into freme-basic, then you need to do the same edit in the sql files of freme-standard and freme-full also. Therefore each distribution comes with one .sql file, with names like 0basic.sql
, 1standard.sql
and 2full.sql
. The file 0basic.sql
has the same content in basic, standard and full distribution. The file 1standard.sql
has the same content in standard and full distribution.
All mysql images extend the mysql:5.7.15 docker image. The link contains more documentation on how to use the image.
The virtuoso server
FREME uses the tenforce/virtuoso image without modifications. The link contains more information how to use the image.
Push an image to dockerhub
Here the guide assumes that you have already tested the docker image and verified that it works. Further the guide assumes that you have an account on[] with write access to the freme dockerhub repository. You should have performed the docker login command.
Execute this shell command to push the freme-broker image to dockerhub.
docker push fremeproject/freme-broker
Run the containers without docker compose
To run the docker containers without docker compose use these commands:
This works for freme-mysql-basic and freme-mysql-full as well.
docker run -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -d fremeproject/freme-mysql-standard
docker run -e DBA_PASSWORD=myDbaPassword -e SPARQL_UPDATE=true -e DEFAULT_GRAPH= -v /my/path/to/the/virtuoso/db:/data -d tenforce/virtuoso
docker run --name freme-solr -d-p 4002:8983 fremeproject/freme-solr
You need to setup the network connection from the broker to the other VMs using --link
docker run -d --link freme-mysql:mysql --link freme-solr:solr --link freme-virtuoso -p 4000:8080 fremeproject/freme-broker