List of all e-services

This page lists all e-services that have been developed during the course of the FREME project.

DBpedia Spotlight e-Entity

The DBpedia Spotlight e-Entity service enriches Text content with entities gathered from various datasets by the DBPedia-Spotlight Engine. In-depth information can be found in our API Documentation

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme.e-services.dbpedia-spotlight
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/dbpedia-spotlight.xml
Source code location dbpedia spotlight source code
Packages that contain dbpedia spotlight broker-dev


The FREME NER service enriches text content with entities gathered from various datasets by the DBPedia-Spotlight Engine. In-depth information can be found in our API Documentation and this knowledge base article.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme.e-services.freme-ner
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/freme-ner.xml
Source code location freme ner source code
Packages that contain freme ner freme-ner-dev

Configuration options

Freme e-entity is configured using application properties, e.g. in the configuration file, see FREME Configuration Options for more information. This is an example configuration:


# database settings (example for mysql database)

The parameters are:

  • freme.ner.sparqlEndpoint: The URL of your SPARQL endpoint, e.g. `http://localhost:8890/sparql`
  • freme.ner.solrURI: The URL of the Solr endpoint, e.g. `http://localhost/solrdev/`
  • freme.ner.languages: The languages you want to load a NER model for. This has to be a comma-separated list of language codes, e.g. `en,de,nl,fr,it,es,ru`
  • freme.ner.modelsLocation: The location of the NER models for the languages you want to load, e.g. `/home/freme-ner/ner-models/`
  • freme.ner.domainsFile: The location of the `domains.csv`, e.g. `config/domains.csv`
  • The database configuration uses the standard FREME database settings, see configuration options.

The e-Link service accepts a NIF document containing annotated entities and performs enrichment with pre-defined templates. In-depth information can be found in our API Documentation.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme.e-services.e-link
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/e-link.xml
Source code location dbpedia spotlight source code
Packages that contain e-link broker-dev

The e-Link Explore e-service enables a client to retrieve description of a resource from a given endpoint. In-depth information can be found in our API Documentation.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme.e-services.e-link
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/e-link.xml
Source code location dbpedia spotlight source code
Packages that contain e-link broker-dev

Tilde e-Terminology

The Tilde e-Terminology service annotates text with terminology information using the Tilde Terminology service. In-depth information can be found in our API Documentation.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme.e-services.tilde-services
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/tilde-terminology.xml
Source code location tilde terminology source code
Packages that contain tilde terminology broker-dev

Configuration options

The Tilde e-Terminology service uses authentication. You can configure your personal authentication code in the files with the parameter tilde.terminology.authentication. In the files of the packages, broker-dev, broker-local and freme-full you can see an example. If you do not specify this configuration parameter, the authentication header of the request will be empty.

Tilde e-Translation

The Tilde e-Translation service translates text from and to various languages using the Tilde Terminology service. In-depth information can be found in our API Documentation.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme.e-services.tilde-services
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/tilde-translation.xml
Source code location tilde translation source code
Packages that contain tilde translation broker-dev

Configuration options

The Tilde e-Translation service uses authentication. You can configure your personal authentication code in the files with the parameter tilde.translation.authentication. In the files of the packages, broker-dev, broker-local and freme-full you can see an example. If you do not specify this configuration parameter, the authentication header of the request will be empty.


The e-Publishing service creates an eBook in the EPUB3 format from a zip file containing HTML Files and more (images etc.) and a json file containing all necessary metadata for the creation of the eBook. In-depth information can be found in our API Documentation.

Quick overview

Maven artifact eu.freme.e-services.publishing
Spring configuration file spring-configurations/e-publishing.xml
Source code location e-publishing source code
Packages that contain e-publishing broker-dev